My VO2Max Training Protocol

Oct 17, 2024  – 

VO2Max measures the maximum amount of oxygen that your body absorbs during intense exercise. The higher it is, the more efficient your body is and the more of the following benefits you get:

  • live longer
  • lower stress
  • physically able to do more and get less tired
  • better mood
  • think better

My current cardio protocol, which includes what I want to call VO2Max is this:

  • Run at constant speed for 18 min (~2.8km) every 2 days, so 3x per week.
  • Once of those running days, instead of constant speed, I do this:
    • Run for 5-10min at a constant and comfortable speed.
    • Do sprints running as fast as I can for 20-30 seconds, then rest by walking for 1 min and repeat for about 4-5 sets.


For my age range (40-49), this score is good even though I sit for about ten hours a day.

Table from

Given the little time and energy cost (18 min run + 3 min changing clothes x 3 times / week) and the wide range of benefits, it feels like a good time and energy investment.

I don’t like running. The way I’ve built this habit is by telling myself that future Juan will be proud of me, and by listening to audiobooks during the runs, which exploits my mind’s curiosity.


I’ve experimented with different protocols for the past 3 years with higher work times (2 to 4 min) and different work : rest ratios like 1:1, but I feel too tired afterwards and I also notice signs that it’s too much stress for my body and constitution.
